✨ new website - feedback welcome!

Yes, also accessing https://nextcloud.com does not work currently. Not sure what happened.

Footer menu seems to be mostly “#” links


Dropdown “Services” > I am not sure what “rend” means.

On the Hub page, the “Collabora Online” button is a broken link. 404

Does it makes sense to link each footer link which is not working?

The link to the web installer is missing on the new site.

Hi. I subscripted to the Audio-Podcast and my App reports errors since few days. It seems, that the link to the mp3-feed is broken.

  1. Starting from this page: https://nextcloud.com/podcast/
  2. Click on the link “mp3”, which leads to the follow page which does not work (error “404 - Page not Found”): https://nextcloud.com/podcast-feed.rss

Regards, Matthias

The video under the Collabora online Office menu item is “private”. You can not play it!


The pic under the menu item ONLYOFFICE online office the first image is not loaded. Furthermore, in the input field under North-West University Case Study, the font color should be a subtle white rather than a gray.


I think it is only a problem because of this file.



No good idea to load a Javascript from a different webserver e.g. Google and Youtube.

But there also other objects:


Perhaps someone can use browser developer options with network analysis and control it. When i write a website i try to host everything myself as much as possible. I also take a look at the source code and the network analysis from time to time.

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https://nextcloud.com/industries/healthcare/ on nextcloud.com is a 404

This is bad work!

First try I hit a 404.

  1. On the front page
  2. why Nextcloud
  3. press the Nextcloud at Home button

https://nextcloud.com/at-home/ results in a 404

I did some web development before I specialized in monitoring and having a crawler to report broken links is one of the basic tools of the trade.
Also who sets a redesign productive without testing!?

The only explanation I can find is that you wanted my engagement in this forum :crazy_face:


I guess you broke all crawlsers/link-checks with <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">

I think there are a few old rewrite rules missed.

Fonts are too big.

My first reaction when browsing was CTRL + MousewheelDown

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Did someone proof-read https://nextcloud.com/Devices/ ?

In every section, at the end there are some words that don’t make sense, like “Enterprise Community Official” “Managed Commercial Community”…

Also, the very first item you list on the page devices is not a device but software, and the link doesn’t bring you to a page where you can buy a device, but to documentation of software. → Make it more clear and visible how to get a device with TrueNas. Maybe this should not be the first item on the list.

IMO all the links should take you directly to the place where you can buy a reliable device. Some of the options should not be on this page, or be in a separate section of “coming soon”, e.g. Turris MOX: Cloud (please check all of them).

Today, I re-checked this. The URL for the Postcast-MP3-feed works fine, but the feed itself is not up-to-date. It does not include the latest episode17 “Interview with Matthieu Gallien, Senior Software Engineer at Nextcloud”, which is available via website.

Is there a language switcher?
Haven’t seen one and hopefully disabled all related blockers.

Tried to add language to URL e.g. https://nextcloud.com/de/ but without success.


The button “Try Nextcloud now” does not work.
I get always the user “fXyk2DziMHpQC2QX”.

Why not link direkt to https://try.nextcloud.com

Please add NextcloudPi back under nextcloud.com/devices

there used to be https://nextcloud.com/contribute/design/ now it shows a 404, should redirect to https://nextcloud.com/design/

Also, in the 404 error page that I get when clicking on the link above, the menu at the top is not readable (white on white), Firefox 100.0.2

Also, in https://nextcloud.com/design/ all the links are missing, compare Design – Nextcloud

Whereever I look I find problems. Seriously, did someone proofread all the pages and look for regressions from the old version?

I think that if you ask for our help/feedback, it is justified that I get an answer to this question.

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