New Nextcloud Instance Philosophical Setup

Hello all, I’m struggling to find any information on what I’d consider my ideal setup configuration and now I’m wondering if the lack of information is because it’s impossible/insecure/inefficient/etc… So i thought I’d reach out for some feedback.

Goal: Nextcloud with S3 storage running on it’s own server behind Nginx on it’s own server, all in the cloud with it’s own domain name e.g. (I don’t like for purely aesthetic reasons). I would be the only user.

   Nginx Reverse Proxy pointing to: 
   >  Nextcloud Instance on its own VPS (with S3 storage) @
   >  Other Apps @

It seems that all Nginx + Nextcloud tutorials have me install Nextcloud onto a VPS already running Nginx. This seems very inconvenient as I have several other services that I’d like to put behind my Nginx proxy and don’t understand how installing Nginx on every one of these services would increase security (I’d have to change every Nginx instance with any update/patch and it would get confusing).

Is there a reason that my setup wouldn’t work/be insecure? Would I have to use subdomains to access my services? Have I just not dug deep enough for the information I’m looking for?

Hi @juniper.object539

Why would you need a reverse proxy in this scenario? Dosn’t this Linode instance have its own public IP address?

That’s because Nextcloud does need a web server in order to serve it’s services and contents. You can use either Nginx or Apache for that purpose.

It wouldn’t work. As I said, Nextcloud does need a web server to work. You can put a reverse proxy in front of it, but again, I don’t see why this would be necessary in your case.

If the other services are hosted on the same VPS as Nextcloud, and if this VPS has a puplic IP address, again there’s no need for a separate web server acting as a reverse proxy, respectively you would use the same Nginx (or Apache) that is already serving Nextloud, in order to serve these other applications. Whether or not you would use a reverse proxy configuration for a specific app or service, depends on the specific application you want to serve, respectively, it depends on whether an application already provides its own web server.

About the domain name…

You don’t have to use sub-domains, however you can only serve one site directly on For additional sites and services you would have to use sub-domains. You could of course buy additional domain names, but that’s not really worth it imho. Btw. also the big guys like Google are using subdomains… Complete List of Google Subdomains – WebNots :wink: