New folders and offline data in MacOS client

Hello everyone,

thanks for reading this! I have two issues on several MacOS 14 (Sonoma) systems with Nextcloud client 3.13 from this thread.
Virtual files are used, there are several folders with overall about 1 TB of data synced with the server.

  1. If you try to create a folder via Finder anywhere in the folders sub-structure of Nextcloud, the folder will be created in the root directory. You can move it afterwards to where it should be, but this is confusing especially for inexperienced users.

  2. There seem to be no option to make folders offline availible. If you open a file, it will be downloaded and stored locally as expected, but how to mark a whole project’s (sub-)folder to be availible offline?

The windows clients do not experience these issues. Also the formerly used Dropbox client under MacOS could handle these requests well, but Dropbox is not the future, while Nextcloud is… :slight_smile:

Thank you for any help!

Hi everyone,

after upgrading the Nextcloud client to latest official version 3.14.1 my first issue is gone.

The second one persits and I really don’t understand the situation.
The MacOS finder’s context menue shows this:

I can perform all the file sharing options Nextcloud offers, but there ist no possibility to mark files or folders to be saved offline.

Another user demonstrated how it should look:

He uses version 3.14.1 as well and I am really looking for an answer, why the integration differs.

No idea, anyone?
Are there no Mac users out there in the nextcloud community?

The problem still persists and I’m desperately looking for a solution.
Cant’ belive that there are no MacOS users out here, who are using virtual files…

There are macOS users, like me.

The VFS is not that mature like on windows.

Please see Virtual files for macOS · nextcloud/desktop · Discussion #6656 · GitHub as information.