New features for calendar


I have a specific project with the following needs :

  • parameter which set range in the schedule in which events can be created (it implies : lock the “opposite” range to avoid events). For instance, I would like to authorize events between 8:00 to 12:00 for monday to friday. I would like to be able to set any kind of range easily.
  • parameter which set specific time for events. For instance, each event would last 30 minutes.
  • parameter which forbid events at the same time.

Is there someone who can do this job in July ?

Kind regards,

I forget another parameter :

  • all events have to be private

@georgehrke can perhaps estimate how much time this takes. If you want to hire someone, you can use this section of the forum:
(or create a feature request on github and put money on it via bountysource, or get enterprise subscription).

That depends a lot whether you want this only for the Nextcloud calendar app or for any CalDAV client that connects to Nextcloud. If you only want it in the Nextcloud calendar app, probably 20 to 30 hours of work, more if the developer has to familiarize themselves with the code first.

Is there someone who can do this job in July ?

As @tflidd said, check Looking - Nextcloud community if you are looking for a freelancer.
I’m not available for freelancing.

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Thanks for share…
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