Need some help whit Nexcloud on a docker container

Hello. I have some problems whit my nextcloud instance
The PHP OPcache module is not properly configured. The OPcache buffer is nearly full. To assure that all scripts can be hold in cache, it is recommended to apply “opcache.memory_consumption” to your PHP configuration with a value higher than “128”…
I’m using UNRAID and have the nextcloud as a docker container
This is some of the configs that I have

  'installed' => true,
  'opcache.enable_cli' => 1,
  'apc.enable_cli' => 1,
  'opcache.save_comments' => 1,
  'opcache.revalidate_freq' => 60,
  'opcache.validate_timestamps' => 0,
  'opcache.interned_strings_buffer' => 512,
  'opcache.max_accelerated_files' => 800000,
  'opcache.memory_consumption' => 2048,
  'maintenance_window_start' => 1, "

How can I fix this error?

From where are those values? those are with certainty not the values responsible for the opcache in your Nextcloud php.

I have no idea how your Docker container is constructed, where and which php is installed there and where it must/can be configured, but this is all you can/should know about opcache:

Much and good luck,


Which image are you using? This is critical info. There are multiple Nextcloud Docker images! :slight_smile:

I’m also unclear: is the config you posted from your existing installation or what you want to add?

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Thank you!

Thank you for the link!
I’ve just added some line to my config.php
" ‘opcache.enable_cli’ => 1,
‘apc.enable_cli’ => 1,
‘opcache.save_comments’ => 1,
‘opcache.revalidate_freq’ => 60,
‘opcache.validate_timestamps’ => 0,
‘opcache.interned_strings_buffer’ => 8,
‘opcache.max_accelerated_files’ => 10000,
‘opcache.memory_consumption’ => 128,
‘opcache.jit’ => 1255,
‘opcache.jit_buffer_size’ => 128,
‘maintenance_window_start’ => 1, "
This are ok now. No more memory problems

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Keep in mind that with validation off you’ll likely encounter problems when doing anything from the command line and will also need to restart your container when making config.php changes. I don’t recommend turning off validation unless you know why you’re doing it. :slight_smile:


this not where the settings belong to… this are php.ini settings… please use search we had multiple discussions regarding opcache already.