NCP - Error while copying file to target location (copied bytes: 0, expected filesize: 0 )


I’m getting this error “Error while copying file to target location (copied bytes: 0, expected filesize: 0 )” when uploading a 5G file.

I’ve found this:

and this:

But I don’t know what to do to solve the problem…

Can any one help me?

Thanks in advance…

Could you give us more detailed logs (looking on your nextcloud logs when the issue occurs).

Also, could you give us more informations about your installation.
Do you use docker? Is your system 32 bits?

The original issue I experimented was fixed enabling large file support in PHP which is running nextcloud because my system was in 32bits.

If the system running your nextcloud instance is a 32 bits one, could you tell us if PHP has large file support enabled?
To do so, if you are using docker, you can do this command
docker exec -ti -u www-data NEXTCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE php -i | grep CFLAG -
if you are not using docker, you could try this one
php -i | grep CFLAG
and tell us the output.