NCP 1.50.3: missing imagick

I do get the following warning:

Das PHP-Modul “imagick” ist nicht aktiviert, die Theming-App hingegen schon. Damit die Favicon-Generierung korrekt funktioniert, müssen Sie dieses Modul installieren und aktivieren.

Now I did find this here:

which I read to recommend, fixing it by running
sudo apt-get install imagemagick php-imagick

As a beginner I am somewhat scared to do this for fearing it might damage something in my installation.

Do you think it is safe to install imagick the way described above?

You can install it if you really want to, however, the reason it isn’t included by default is due to security concerns

It has a vulnerability that allows for remote code execution if you process user submitted images

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Thanks for the info. Then for now I will not install it even though my user group is so small and reliable that this will not be an issue.

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