NCDownloader a browser extension


I am looking for a NextCloud browser extension that allow me to directly save web content (ie images, PDFs, text, screenshots, Magnet links) to my NextCloud server. I am currently using save to pCloud bowser extension, it has some good features but the user experience is not that great.

What would be awesome, is adding a browser extension interface to NCdownloader app, to have the ability to queue downloads(URLs, YT vids, Magnet links) from the browser extension and leverage the hosting company internet speed to down web content to my NextCloud server.

I have seen ocDownloader did something similar to this, but that project is not well maintain or usable right now.

I think this feature would be a game changer, since I can then share web content directly from my NextCloud and archive content that might get taking down or censured.

I hope that this feature see the light some day, please let me know what you guys think about this.

Thank you very much!

Unmaintained extensions for Firefox and Chrome.

Your best bet is to install aria2c using the ncdownloader documentation and then use one of the dedicated web frontends for downloading files, magnet links, etc. Same can be done for Youtube-dl. My favorite is:

These are work around partiel solutions, am looking where to submit feature request for NextCould, having web extension similar to save to pCloud would be huge draw to the NextCloud project