NC9 The Wrong Store or Remove

Currently NC9 is looking like it will be using the Owncloud store rather than its own. Is this the case or will it be remove/hidden until 10 when it’s own store is developed.

Discussion stared at:

An alternative is to start using what @BernhardPosselt has built so far as I think it’s better to offer curated apps than everything the wrong app store has to offer, without knowing if apps will even work.

I agree, we can’t offer apps that don’t work, will this be in the build as the release date on github is in two days time.

I’m guessing this is just code that hasn’t been updated yet since being forked, not something consciously planned to stay this way.

It just caused a bit of a debt on a pull request.

At the moment the plan basically is to have Nc 9 going out with the app store, this is something that we are totally allowed to do. It’s not optimal but better than nothing, especially given the fact that we want to release a Nextcloud 9 release very soon.

With regard to the compatibility: Nextcloud 9 and ownCloud 9 are completely compatible when it comes to the public API. Before releasing 9, I’ll also personally make sure that all items that are marked either as approved or official will work flawlessly.

For Nextcloud 10 we plan to go with GitHub - nextcloud/appstore: App Store for Nextcloud and do all the migration stuff automatically for admins. Any help on that side is obviously welcome and as faster we get it done, the better :wink:



@LukasReschke Brilliant, I thought that might be the case.