NC24+EL 8.8.2: First run of fulltextsearch:index not working: illegal_argument_exception

Nextcloud 24.0.1, Elasticsearch 8.2.2, Ubuntu 20.04

First run of occ fulltextsearch:index seems not to work:

Options: []
┌─ Indexing  ────
│ Action: 
│ Provider:                      Account: 
│ Document: 
│ Info: 
│ Title: 
│ Content size: 
│ Chunk:       /
│ Progress:       /
┌─ Results ────
│ Result:      0/0
│ Index: 
│ Status: 
│ Message: 
┌─ Errors ────
│ Error:      0/0
│ Index: 
│ Exception: 
│ Message: 
## x:first result ## c/v:prec/next result ## b:last result
## f:first error ## h/j:prec/next error ## d:delete error ## l:last error
## q:quit ## p:pause 

In Connection.php line 675:
  {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"request [/ubernextcloud] contains un  
  recognized parameter: [include_type_name]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"request [/uberne  
  xtcloud] contains unrecognized parameter: [include_type_name]"},"status":400}                                

fulltextsearch:index [--output [OUTPUT]] [-r|--no-readline] [--] [<options>]

What is wrong there?

you should try with ES7

Alternatively stick to your ElasticSearch version (I currently run on 8.4.3 with Nextcloud 25.0.1) and do the following:

Create the index manually:
PUT http://[YourElasticServerIP]:9200/[IndexNameYouDefinedInNextcloud]

Create Ingest Pipeline:
PUT http://[YourElasticServerIP]:9200/_ingest/pipeline/attachment
“description”: “Extract attachment information”,
“processors”: [
“attachment”: {
“field”: “content”,
“indexed_chars”: -1

Now occ fulltextsearch:test and occ fulltextsearch:index should work without issues