NC stalled after trying to disable all apps manually

hey forum,

i was just trying to update to NC 13.0.3 (by updater) and b/c i ran into some minor problems last time because of undisabled apps this time i wanted to be smart and deactivate all of them beforehand, manually.
looks as if i was too smart :frowning: since my instance (running on a rpi3 using ncp) stalled and nc doesn’t start up again.
so now… i’m glad that i did a backup (using nc-backup) just before i started disabling all apps. but now i dunno how to play it back to the system…

or is there anything else, yu would recommend to me?

update 1: looks as if the problem could be related to trying to disable app flies_external_gdrive (AFTER i already had disabled app files_external) but reenabling them using php occ doesn’t work.
error message:
PHP Fatal error: Interface 'OCA\Files_External\Lib\Config\IBackendProvider' not found in /var/www/nextcloud/apps/files_external_gdrive/lib/AppInfo/Application.php on line 32

hi, I just suscribeid to the ncp tag, because normally I only look at the appliances forum

nc-backup backs up Nextcloud files and database, but in your case not the data files. You can just restore and it will take your data files from the old location.

In the last release, we added nc-update-nextcloud. That automatically creates a backup and then upgrades. The goal is to enable autoupgrades if there are no problems with it after some time.


i had filed it in the suitable category at first but then - since this isn’t an exclusiv ncp-problem at all i moved it to here.

thanks for reassuring me about that. that was important to me.

i saw that today and thought it must have been new. but i wanted to try it the usual way,…
background-info: in midterm i’m planning to eventually leave raspberry pi3 as a hardware basis… (and i am already sad about it, since it is so very helpful) and so i would be on my own with those kind of problems.

cheerio and thanks again