Nc 9.0.53 News Version 8.8.0 shipped


thank You for 9.0.53. Why is it shipped with News 8.8.0 and not with 8.8.3?


It doesn’t ship the news app at all. This version is what you have installed on your system.

Yes and no…
…the bookmark app isn’t in the archive. But while installing I move everything. After doing the upgrade in the Database V 8.8.3 is changed to 8.8.0 witch is the version wich is in the oc appstore and will be installed from there if you activate it.

V 8.8.3 is stable and better than 8.8.0 so IMHO until there is a nc-appstore, it should be packed into the archive…

The 9.0.53 update didn’t update any app.
It only fixed the issue with httpoxy:

No other bug fixes where included.

Why should we all available apps in a release? This would not scale very well. It is not part of the release and that is how it is, we will not add random apps just because they have a newer version somehow.

that’s true, but the difference is, that the 8.8.3 is a nextcloud version witch is maintained in the nextcloud git.

As long as there is no nextcloud appstore and there is no in the owncloud appstore, nobody who doesn’t know the content of the nextcloud-github will be aware of the nextcloud-news-version.

There is nothing we can change for now. We try to bring the appstore up as soon as possible.

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Or we ask @BernhardPosselt to upload 8.8.3 to the appstore

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However we still miss some features, consider this a tech preview ;D

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Also everything will be deleted prior to the release so don’t invest too much time