NC 28.0.3 Not loading Activity Apps

Hi there
Just this morning, I started to face an issue with the Activity app.
When I hit the lightning button, the page keeps loading and several messages pop up saying “Couldn’t load activities”.
The nextcloud log shows this:

"Message":"Did expect one result but found none when executing: query \"SELECT * FROM PREFIXdeck_cardsWHEREid= :dcValue1 ORDER BYorderASC,id ASC\";

I would expect the query to be very simple like “SELECT * FROM OC_DECK_CARDS ORDERY BY DATE ASC” so I tried it within MySQL shell and this worked.

I don’t know how can I debug this to understand the problem but, as far as I can say, might be the query. If so, where to edit it?

I check this activities first thing in the morning every day meaning yesterday everything was fine but not today and no changes have been made to this scenario.

Can someone point me to the right direction here, please?

I’m kinda lost :slightly_frowning_face:
