NC 28.0.1 stable or beta

I have seen the anoucment
NC 28.0.1 final

But on my NC admin interface it does not propose the upgrade unless I pass from Stable to Beta ?

The 28.0.1 is not consider as stable?
Will it be the 28.1 the stable one?


I moved this to the general topic since this is not about news. /Mod

To answer on it 28.0.1 is a stable release. And you shouldn’t have to go through beta to get it.

Thanks for help
Is there somewhere a configuration to perform to accept to go to NC 28 ?
I had update the last major without any problem

Below what I see in admin page

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Switch to Beta Channel, refresh the page and install 28, after that, switch back to Stable.
You can force it with this little trick :smiling_face:

I was wondering if passing with the Beta, if all apps will not be also update to the beta version…
But with the text it seem’s not :
You can change the update channel below which also affects the apps management page. E.g. after switching to the beta channel, beta app updates will be offered to you in the apps management page.
=> offered to you

I try to pass in stable but bad luck …
“Beta” propose today the version Nextcloud 27.1.6 RC1 !!

Do you think if I update to this version it will propose 20.0.1 after ?

I never tested that, but I think yes :face_with_monocle:
Can you take a backup (snapshot) and try it?

I have try it…
But it no works as expected…
He propose me the Nextcloud 28.0.2 RC1 :slight_smile:
I can try to go in this version, put stable again and hope he will propose the next stable version ?

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Strange, I’ve always pushed the new releases like this without any problems.

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