NC 17 VM Script Installation on Odroid C2 with Ubuntu18

Months ago, I installed the nextcloud software in my RaspberryPi3 with snap on Ubuntu 18. I worked perfectly and I can access my cloud in my local network.

Yesterday, I ran the NextCloud 17 VM script installation in my Odroid C2 with Ubuntu 18.04 Mate. After editing the script to check the RAM for 1 GB, create a new user for the nextcloud admin and chose quad9 for the DNS resolver. It seems NectCloud is installed now in my OdroidC2. However, since I didn’t configure anything. I have several questions:

  1. Which IP address shall I type on my server browser to login the web interface?
  2. What should I do with the quad9 DNS resolver?
  3. Since I didn’t find UFW or any firewall configuration in the script, shall I configure the firewall by myself?
