My user is into the admin group, but i'm not able to update the details or even upload files

Nextcloud version:Nextcloud Hub 6 (27.1.1.)
Operating system and version Ubuntu 23.10

After the installation on my hosting service under a subdomain, seems that all works great but i’m not able to update my user details (the only user in fact) and also not able to upload files to the files folder, even the user is into the admin group.
I’ve created another user, which is not into the admin group, and logged in as that user, and the problem ramains the same, i’m not able to update the details for this new user

This is the message from the logfile:

"Password is present in the compromised password list. Please choose a different password"
"Login failed: (Remote IP:
"Login failed: raulmagdalena (Remote IP:
"Login failed: raulmagdalena (Remote IP:
"Login failed: (Remote IP:
"Login failed: 'user-9920910' (Remote IP:

What part you do not understand?

Much luck,

Thanks @ernolf

These are my previous trys to see if i’ve created another user that i did not rementber.
I’ve just done a fresh nextcloud installation and the problem remains the same.
The first think that i try to do is to update the user profile without exit. No field can be update but the profile logo ¿?
Has to be a permissions issue but i’m not able to find it

I’ve just installed nextcloud at localhost and everything runs well