My Nextcloud instance does not work since an update from version 24->30


I am sorry this may not be the right place to post but it seemed right when I looked at everything.
I am not technical and I really do not know anything (the terms I use may be wrong even if I put all I know in it), so I ask for your patience, I will do my best…

I have a website provider (Infomaniak), which offer to run a Nextcloud intance on a website. It seemed perfect to me as I do not need to write anything in a terminal without knowing what I am doing. And they have an interface that allows to choose the PHP version, the Nextcloud version, the updates and recoveries from a button. So perfect for me !

Let’s come to my problem : I had the 24.x version of Nextcloud until I updated to the 30.x version, directly. I did not know it should not be done this way, so obviously, as it was allowed, I clicked and updated.

And since, I have on my website an error page “Internal server error”.

My website provider said to me it was an identified Nextcloud problem, and that they could not do anything on their side, I have to ask for your help, apparently here (?).

Thank you in advance!

If you mean you didn’t upgrade to the intermediate major versions… Yes, that’s is likely the problem.

The thing is, the built-in Updater prevents you from doing this. It sounds like your web host provider has some sort of third-party mechanism they used to offer you - and deploy - the upgrade. It’s going to be challenging to suggest what do do, since we don’t know what they did. :slight_smile:

And since, I have on my website an error page “Internal server error”.

There will likely be some clues in your nextcloud.log. However since it’s likely related to whatever upgrade process the provider used, troubleshooting it by checking the log is sort of backwards in this case.


@jtr thank you for your answer.

Yes, I mean I did not upgrade to the intermediate major versions…

I don’t know if they can answer about what they did/which mecanism they use. But I could ask if you think it can resolve the problem, after all they told me to come to you to serach for help, if you need this information it should be the least they could do…

I asked them if I could do things backwards and downgrade back to 24.x version and then do step by step but it doesn’t seem to be a good idea.

Should I then save my data and re-install everything or would you think there is a simpler option?

as you have a support contract I would reach out to the hoster and

  • ask to restore the backup of the working NC24
  • perform an upgrade to a supported NC version

in general you should never ever skip 6 major releases before upgrade as only current-2 is actively maintained and receive security patches (many many are known since NC24…)

I would also expect a hoster to manage upgrades if this is a part of your hosting package. If they don’t offer look for many professional managed Nextcloud offers.

Thank you @wwe.

That is what I think must be done. Could you please help me formulate correctly the steps for it ? @jtr maybe you have an idea too?

  1. save the data
  2. delete the unworking Nextcloud as it is
  3. re-install nextcloud 24.x
  4. import the data which were saved earlier
  5. update Nextcloud to each major version step by step until 30.x

I would describe what happened and reach out to support. They will come back with with an ask for details if any.

Well, that is what I did and their answer was : “We do not know how it could be fixed, you should ask Nextcloud directly”. I did argue but did not have a lot of influence. As they do not seem very concerned, and as I am, if I can understand what I could do (on my side = back-up and import ?) and what they could do on their side (un-install and re-install ?), and explain them how it could be done, it would be of great help.
I also hope (and maybe in vain) it could be stored in their help-our-nextcloud-users-manual so that next time it happens the user has not to come for help here again.
I also will open a ticket on their website so that they do not allow to update to a major version that is not the direct next one (in my mind it should not be that complicated but with computing we never know how things are done).

Can you restore your backup yourself? If yes, do this.

in case of being able to restoring your NC to a working instance you should consider leaving this hoster immediately. Depending upon your contract with them (like: backing up stuff) they would be responsible to at least restore the backup. Apparently they don’t know what to do to help you or they are majorly uninterested in it. Maybe they themselves don’t even have a supportcontract with NC GmbH (though they better should have one). So again, you better leave them and look for a more serious hoster (which might be a bit more expensive but that’s no given). Remember: your hoster owns your data physically so they can do whatever they like to do with it (theoretically). And if they don’t want to help you how could you put trust into them keeping your privacy?

Thank you for your help and answer.

Does it work if I take all (files and folders) the “Files” folder, (I do not know how yet but) re-install everything and just copy-paste everything in the “new” “Files” folder with an FTP access ? Or will it fail ?
I did not have a lot stored for now, but I understand, with all the applications, it could have been a lot more problematic.

If there is an how-to for the back-up and restoring, I would gladly read it (hoping it is feasable for me).

Yes, I find it quite unprofessional, to offer the “service” and when there is a problem saying “find the solution by yourself”.

For that, in the area they are quite “known” for being ethic. But I agree the trust is broken and it is a shame. That they do not have a pro support contract with Nextcloud GmbH is also a shame, it would be the least they could do. On that point am I also disappointed.

too many local settings possible to answer that.
But if you just restore your backup to the actual server it probably wouldn’t fail

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