My app doesn't work with PHP7.3

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I coded an app for nextcloud and it depends on the Groupfolders app.

I coded with Nextcloud 21 with PHP 7.4 and it worked.

When I install with PHP7.3 and Nextcloud 20 or 21. I get this error message from nextcloud.log :eyes: :

    "Message":"Return value of OC\\AppFramework\\Middleware\\MiddlewareDispatcher::afterException() must be an instance of OCP\\AppFramework\\Http\\Response, null returned",
  "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0",

I think the problem is in this function :

// GroupfolderService.php
    public function getAll() {
            $response = $this->httpClient->get(
            $this->urlGenerator->getBaseUrl() . '/index.php/apps/groupfolders/folders',
                'auth' => [
                'headers' => self::HEADERS

        $response = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

	return $response['ocs']['data'];


The problem is in line with $response = $this->httpClient->get()… $this->httpClient is the IClient Interface.

Do you have one idea of this problem ?

Thank you in advance :pray:

Sorry i do not have a solution.
But because of PHP 7.3 i think you use actually Debian Buster. Is this correct?
Perhaps you can dist-upgrate to Debian Bullseye with PHP 7.4 to solve your problem.

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

I don’t know if the server is a Debian Buster or a Ubuntu distro. The server belong to my customer and he cannot upgrade the PHP. Otherwise, he lost the support by service provider.

I think it is not an Ubuntu server because your provider gives you normally a LTS version.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS PHP 7.2
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS PHP 7.4
Debian Buster PHP 7.3
Debian Bullseye PHP 7.4

Do you have a VPS or only a web space?
With VPS you can perhaps upägrade to a newer linux version.
On web space you can sometimes change the php version in the settings.

Your conroller method doesn’t return a response object but some raw array. Maybe wrap this in a JSONResponse?