Music Player? Audio Player?

I just installed NextCloud… I am getting ready to upload a lot of media.

I can’t see a music player in the apps. Audio player? How do others do this?

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There are at least two audio players in the App Store:

I don’t use any of these on my instance, though, so I can’t give you a recommentdation.

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I administer a Nextcloud instance for people in the music industry. Music producers need this as air to breath: share music files over the network and work together on them.
Since playback of music files works out of the box and that behaviour is broken with the Audioplayer App, I have only the “Music” App installed, to enable playback with playlists. It has some nice features.
For playing your music files with playlist-suport on mobile devices, you need “CloudBeats” app. (iOS and Android).


Got it now.
Many thanks for the app recommendation - CloudBeats

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I use Music for years. Also I use Amperfy as the iOS client with it.