Multiple users access shared calendar via thunderbird - setup?

Dear everyone,

What I’ve done:
An admin created a calendar in the nextcloud calendar app, shares it via the calendar app with some employees (with write access).

Every employee should be able to write to this calendar via Thunderbird/Lightning.

What I tried:
I was hoping that all employees could use the same URL, e.g. https://HOSTNAME/remote.php/caldav/calendars/ADMIN-USERNAME/SHARED-CALENDAR-NAME/ with their individual nextcloud username and password.
But it looks like the URL above only works with admin username and password. Seems like every emloyee has to use their own URL which looks like this https://HOSTNAME/remote.php/dav/calendars/EMPLOYEE-USERNAME/SHARED-CALENDAR-NAME_shared_by_ADMIN-USERNAME/ with their individual nextcloud username and password.

Can somebody confirm?

Also, it’s strange that one has /remote.php/dav/ and one has /remote.php/caldav/ in the URL …

Hello - I can confirm.

This is how we do it as well, connecting Thunderbird to each user’s own URL for that specific shared calendar. It’s a bit of a hassle, but way less “problematic” than implementing an entire full collaboration suite :wink:

What I cannot really confirm is, that each URL looks different.

The only thing really bugging is that Thunderbird is not able to use task subgroups - this really is annoying. Nextcloud tasks is doing great allowing subtasks, Thunderbird isn’t. So we can’t really organize the tasks in an efficient way. I’m still looking for a sollution for this issue. Any hints?