Multilingual links via email

Hello everybody,

I use NC on my own server in version 15.0.5,
My NC is configured in German, I share links directly or via email for the most part with friends or family,
Nevertheless, it happens that I send via email to non-German-speaking senders.
For this I’m looking for a way to set the language to have the email to be sent.
Currently, the email is sent in the set language “german”, which of course for non-German speaking from time to time is a problem.
Also, I can not change my NC in english,
so my grandmother who is already 88 years old is no longer able to cope

currently the sent email looks like this

Any help I will gladly accept,

“excuse my bad english”
best regards Alex

This is a good idea, Alexander. Actually I landed here because I have a similar issue (German speaking clients but contributing storage to an international initiative).

Hope someone finds this a low-hanging fruit. Unfortunately I cannot contribute a code solution but I drafted a mockup how this could be solved: