Multi-Level Workflow in NextCloud Hub 9 30.0.1

Hi Everyone . i need help to integrate this type of workflow. please guid me how can i enable this type of multi-level approval workflow. I have installed the latest version of NextCloud Hub 9 Ver: 30.0.1 :

I can’t give you detailed step-by-step instructions, but the following link to the documentation should at least give you an overview of what you need to get started: Windmill Workflows — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

How to enable webhooks?

It says in the link posted above, isn’t it working ?

enabled the listner :
but still it says this :

need help, what i am doing wrong

Which installation method did you choose ?

I installed Nextcloud on a Linux server. I followed the standard installation procedures:

No, I mean for windmill: Windmill Workflows — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation it seems like you try to enstall an ExApp, but did not actually have an ExApp setup

how to do this “ExApp setup”?. Please help

Please start looking at the links that are posted, it’s all there. We are not going to repeat the steps that are already documented.

ok thanks.let me check

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