Moving from own server to the managed hetzner Nextcloud instance


Iā€™m currently using my own Nextcloud server on DigitalOceanā€™s $5 droplet with 25Gb storage. And am out of storage. So I decided to move to Hetznerā€™s Nextcloud managed(?) instance. Hetzner provides admin access to the Nextcloud but no access to the server itself.
So my question is: is it possible to move all the information from DO server to the Hetznerā€™s server with only Nextcloud admin? I need to move files, notes, calendar, contacts and a few more appsā€™ data

The best would be to migrate your whole setup. There is a feature in work that allow to move single users between setups (with data migration:

Now you can use external programs for calendar and contacts to down- and upload everything. There are perhaps apps that can let you backup app data but I donā€™t know if you can install them at hetzner. But if both clouds are of different version, that can easily get messy. Sharing links etc. is only possible through migration.

In the end I decided to move to my own home server