Move Files option is missing

Hi all,

I’m using NC v9.0.53 , and I’m unable to find the ‘Move File’ option in user home page.
I’m seeing rename, delete, and download in the dropdown.
The mobile app does have the option to Move File.

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The web interface currently lacks of this option. In the meantime you can use this.

It is an 3rd party app and is compatible with Nextcloud 9.

The app-store version is not compatible with gallery+. Install the version from github and apply this patch manually:

Which link is the github app and the patch?

Can we expect to see move as a core feature in the future? Drag+Drop is ok but it’s not useful for moving to deep subfolders.

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actually, yeah, a solution to this is on our todo, or rather, on the plate of @icewind - see our roadmap:


I already caught this on another thread and totally forgot I asked here :slight_smile: thanks