Missing php modules in AIO?

[PHP] Fehler: Error: Class “OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\ExceptionLoggerPlugin” not found at /var/www/html/remote.php#62
PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/user/pathxyz/Camera/PXL_20231226_181652897.jpg
von von – um 02.04.2024, 04:41:04

In my logs I find quite a few php errors of the above type. I also found an old thread which seems to describe the same issue. In that case it was caused by missing php modules:

Does anyone else also see lots of errors in the logs?

What version of AIO and of Nextcloud Server? And there any errors immediately before/after that in your log?

All needed PHP modules are in AIO.

That area of code is triggered as a result of some other error/exception occurring. So something else is probably going on here…

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It’s 8.0.0 28.0.3.

Errors I have in the logs are all of the same type.

{“reqId”:“aBjzZ46DPi1uZOLxba9F”,“level”:3,“time”:“2024-04-02T02:41:04+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“PROPFIND”,“url”:“/remote.php/dav/files/user/pathxyz/Camera/PXL_20231226_143112053.jpg”,“message”:“Error: Class "OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\ExceptionLoggerPlugin" not found at /var/www/html/remote.php#62”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.28.0”,“version”:“”,“data”:{“app”:“PHP”},“id”:“660ecee93791b”}

{“reqId”:“tSzsUtUlulAvveWn0mtq”,“level”:3,“time”:“2024-04-02T02:41:04+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“PROPFIND”,“url”:“/remote.php/dav/files/user/pathxyz/Camera/PXL_20231226_143033325.jpg”,“message”:“Error: Class "OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\ExceptionLoggerPlugin" not found at /var/www/html/remote.php#62”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.28.0”,“version”:“”,“data”:{“app”:“PHP”},“id”:“660ecee937965”}

The rrors before that are from another day. Maybe it was a one-off.

Thanks for the reply!