Migration of a native installation to podman - how to do that?

HI. I’ve done several installations in native form as well as podman. Sadly never any migration. How to do this?

The current setup is a Debian 11, nextcloud 27, php 8.0, postgresql 13 and I want to move this over to a podman installation:

  • docker.io/library/postgres:15
  • docker.io/library/redis:alpine
  • docker.io/library/nextcloud

My problem is that I have no idea how to do this. Do I need to setup the podman installation first, copy the old data dir to the new data dir and dump and import the database? What user should I set up as admin user, the same as in the old installation or will this conflict? :laughing: :sos:

Yes, basically. It’s the same as moving to a different server (because that is, ultimately, what it is):


Also: Whenever i do migrations I also try to keep the database versions aligned (it should go without saying that you should keep the NC versions aligned!). Even if I plan to upgrade the DB, I do it after the migration is successful.

Doesn’t matter because you’re going to drop the database on the target installation just before you import the db dump from the source installation. :slight_smile:

P.S. I recommend appending a version tag to your nextcloud image as well. At least a major version tag, if not a minor one (though I prefer minor so I can control upgrades fully).

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Ahh. Nice thank you for that answer. Now lets see if I find time to do the migration :laughing:

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