Migration from Seafile to Nextcloud

Does anybody have experience with a migration from Seafile to Nextcloud? Any best practices or even a migration path/script?

You just want to migrate files or as well some sharing settings or public shares?

I haven’t seen official scripts, perhaps somebody on a blog or something shared something. For the files itself it should be that complicated, you need a way to copy files around (not sure if seafile has a webdav-interface or something, then you could include it as external storage and copy the files).

For meta information, it’s probably harder. A few thing you can do via a python script (creating shares etc., https://github.com/owncloud/pyocclient).

Thank you for the hint, I will have a look into that script whether it can help.

For the files itself, it will be quite easy, as I can just copy or move them to the new place.