Migrating from ownCloud 10.x to NextCloud 12.x - or not, and if so, how?

Great to hear! Thank you. Currently backing up OC and preparing manual update. FingerĀ“s crossed. IĀ“m trying to go from OC v10.0.6 to NC v.12.0.5 first, maybe later to NC v13.

Wanted to first use the Nextcloud migration tool. Downloads v12.0.4 and works great (everything green) until I trigger the migration using ā€œocc upgradeā€. Output here:

Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
Set log level to debug
Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.
Update failed
Maintenance mode is kept active
Reset log level

WhatĀ“s wrong here? Unsupported OC-Version (v10.0.6) or another issue? As the server now is in some kind of ā€œinbetween statusā€ IĀ“m looking forward to get help asap please (e. g. @Bernie_O).

Update: Regarding Migration from oc 10.0.3 to nc 12 fails. Ā· Issue #6532 Ā· nextcloud/server Ā· GitHub and nextcloud upgrade to 12.0.5 oauth2 problem Ā· Issue #8256 Ā· nextcloud/server Ā· GitHub I restored all backups and am now back on OwnCloud v10.0.6.1ā€¦ waiting to get an upgrade path finally (!).

Sorry to hear, it did not work.
Do you use oauth2? Did you get the same error when upgrading as described here?

Edit: I just noticed that the upgrade paths from owncloud are completely missing in Nextcloud 13 and opened an issue for that:

After each release, all the migration paths need to be checked and for NC 13, the priorities were probably to make it run and fix the first issues before providing migration paths. If you can easily duplicate your setup for test, this might help to identify issues and report them to the developers.

I asked on github, to update the status of the possible migrations paths: https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud.com/issues/800

Yes I use Oauth2, even its implementation is some kind of buggy in OwnCloud (https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/6258#issuecomment-364923944).

I get the same error yes. I didnā€™t try to migrate manually yet because I bet the result will be the same as with the migration tool which performs the same steps but in a much more convenient way.

Thanks for creating those issues on GitHub (that fast response is next to the almost seamless upgrade process one of the main reasons I want to leave OwnCloud after 5 years). I will wait and monitor the activities in those issue reports.

Testing in general is difficult. The migration stuff is even harder, you come a long way with owncloud and things might be broken at some point and itā€™s just impossible to check for everything. If you can spin up a copy (perhaps reduce the number of users and data), you can run some tests before migrating your productive system.

I would remove them, then install what you need from the Nextcloud app store.

WRT migrating to Nc 13, this hasnā€™t been tested yet. ownCloud is backporting a LOT of disruptive changes to their ā€œstableā€ tree, which risks stability issues and makes migration harder - this really needs some real testing so it will take a while. I would suggest to upgrade to the latest Nextcloud sooner rather than later, as in - donā€™t upgrade ownCloud to newer versions but stay where you are until migration is possible.

ThatĀ“s my plan. I accidentally upgraded to OC v10.0.6.1. I donĀ“t think I can downgrade OCā€¦ so I wonĀ“t upgarde anymore and wait for a tested migration path to any NC version (12 is fine, from there itĀ“s only a small step to NC v13 I guess).

I checked the apps against an unpacked release and found no differences. Disabling ldap and running the update then proceeded. I was able to configure ldap via the web interface and all is well. I am planning on staying at owncloud 10.0.4 until my final migration to nextcloud in the coming days.

Iā€™m running owncloud 10.0.7 is there a way to migrate to nexcloud?

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Not when you are using postgres :frowning:

Iā€™m not using postgres

@Georg_Klimm what would be a solution to migrate?

Currently there is no official migration path from ownCloud 10.0.7 to Nextcloud. Maybe there will be when 13.0.1 is released (planned in March).

Migration might work though, if you change the version in your ownClouds config.php to one mentioned here: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/v12.0.5/version.php#L40-L44 and then upgrade to Nextcloud 12.0.5

That is very likely to work, but no guarantee. Backup is urgently adviced before doing so! Backup-instructions for ownCloud can be found here: https://doc.owncloud.org/server/latest/admin_manual/maintenance/backup.html


@Felix_Hohlwegler you have read https://nextcloud.com/migration/ ?

@Felix_Hohlwegler: you could change the version numbers in version.php from Nextcloud 12.0.5 to those: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/pull/8544/files

Also have a look at this comment:

EDIT: or wait for Nextcloud 12.0.6 to be released (planned in 2-3 weeks) which will make migration from ownCloud <= 10.0.7 to Nextcloud 12.0.6 possible.

What about https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/8256 - will this also be ā€žfixedā€œ by the version.php hack?!?

is that sure that it will be released in 2-3 weeks and will the migration really works? if so I will wait

The scheduled release date is March 14th:

However: if the developers find bad bugs that urgently need to be fixed before the release and donā€™t get this done and tested it in time, it might be delayed.

@e-raser: sorry, I donā€™t know whether issue #8256 will be fixed as well.