Migrated from owncloud


So i migrated from owncloud 8 using these steps:
https://nextcloud.com/migration/ It was easy and worked.

So now im running nextcloud 9 and it tells me theres a nextcloud 10, and i should upgrade.
I open updater and it opens migration page again!?


Current version is 9.0.58.
Could not determine migration path to Nextcloud.

And stops here. So im stuck on nextcloud 9? Would have been nice if the migrater had mentioned that.

How can i move on to nextcloud 10?

You probably want to do a manual upgrade. I’ve not tried the updater, but it looks like that could work too. The list of Nextcloud versions can be found here.

    1. Use these commands to download our migration script:
      wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/installer/migrator/index.php
      and then put it in the updater folder:
      mv index.php.1 updater/index.php
      (there is already an index.php in the owncloud folder so the newly downloaded one will be called index.php.1)
    1. Now go to the URL of your ownCloud server in a browser and log in. Then append to the URL this: updater/index.php so it looks like: your.owncloudserver.com/updater/index.php

Quotation from migration tool. It sems that the migration tool, uses the updater to migrate to nextcloud.
The solution is your behavior that the migration tool starts again. I think you should delete updater folder and try it again :wink:

Thank you for the answers. Download the migration script gets be the same place:


Current version is 9.0.58.
Could not determine migration path to Nextcloud.

I dont think i can use the manual upgrade cause of this step:
If you keep your data/ directory in your nextcloud/ directory, copy it from your old version of Nextcloud to your new nextcloud/

Is it really serious about moving 700GB of data?

This is not right…

and after deleting the updater directory i get
:slight_smile: Nextcloud 10.0.6 is available. Get more information on how to update.

Could not start updater, please try the manual update


Yep that will be bit bye bit updates to the latest version. Or you update directly to latest version, but idk if this is possible. :wink:

So i did the manual upgrade up to this point:
sudo -u www-data php occ upgrade
Then i get:
This version of Nextcloud requires at least PHP 5.6.0
You are currently running 5.4.16. Please update your PHP version.
I follow this:
I reboot the server, i get this:
This version of Nextcloud requires at least PHP 5.6.0
You are currently running 5.4.16. Please update your PHP version.

Any clues??

Check your server which version it uses with php -v.

If it is too old edit you php.ini to change your version :wink:

hi, i am in same boat. did you get it working after that?
Please let me know what have you done to get it working