Migrate owncloud 10 to nextcloud 12

Tried to migrate from owncloud 10.0.1 to nextcloud 12.
According to https://nextcloud.com/migration/ it is supported but I get the message “Updates between multiple major versions are unsupported”

Same here. Could someone help us out on this?

Just restored my owncloud instance.
Maybe I will try again in some month.

Biggest disadvantages of nextcloud (for me):

  1. migration is not working
  2. no official debian packages
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Next try.
Tried to migrate from owncloud 9.1.6 to nextcloud.
Which should also work according to https://nextcloud.com/migration.
I thought using the updater would be easy. First I get exceptions for etc and assets without any hint what to do.
I removed the directories because they were empty
Next step I get excepted files again without any hint. Searching in the internet I had to change permissions on some files
Then on step creating backup again a file with wrong permissions. Maybe checking all files and folders in the beginning would be nice.
After fixing everything a backup is created which takes quite long.
And the most disappointing on extracting I get "Downloaded version is lower than installed version"
Why isn’t this one of the first things to check?

Since Nextcloud 10 is eol I’m wondering if there will be a new version to update to?

See here: Migration from Owncloud 9.1.6 to Nextcloud 10.0.5 fails - #2 by BernhardPosselt

Seems the newest owncloud updates broke upgrade paths again. Try to change back the owncloud version in config.php as mentioned:

About your first attempt oc 10.0.1 => nc 12. The migration page clearly says:

Note that ownCloud 10.0.1 can not yet be migrated to Nextcloud 12, we are still testing this upgrade path to make sure it is 100% reliable!

:wink: Hopefully this will be possible soon. Seems that every minor version upgrade of owncloud (on all major versions) breaks the migration until it is tested and fixed. To avoid misunderstandings, the last possible minor version for migration should be added on migration page e.g.:

ownCloud 9.1.0 to 9.1.5 is compatible with Nextcloud 10.0.x
ownCloud 10.0.0 is compatible with Nextcloud 12.0.x

or adding some hint which oc version is the last successfully tested one.

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