Memcache issue with JessieLite/nginx1.10/php7.0.11-1/mariadb10.0

Hey folks. I managed to get Nextcloud up and running on my Raspberry Pi 3. I have Jessie Lite, nginx 1.10, php 7.0, and mariadb 10.0. I’m using these because this was suggested for the best speed/performance. After installation, I was able to get rid of all errors but one:
"No memory cache has been configured."
I know it’s not a show-stopper, but I do want memory caching.

After reading through the manuals and the internets, I understand that php 7.0 does come with opcache. However, there is no data caching? The Nextcloud manual says I need APCu; however the one listed is for php 5. I can’t find APCu for PHP 7. I made it all the way to this step by myself (I’m not an expert at this stuff), but this one thing lingers. Can anyone help me get some sort of memory caching set up with this setup?

It’s probably the best to just use redis-cache. Not sure how you installed php7 and if you have a php7.0-redis module.

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Good suggestion! I did end up having to use redis after failing with a lot of other things. I’d followed this post:

I think everything is working perfectly now!