Many integrity failures - how to remove all EXTRA_FILES automatically?

Nextcloud version (eg, 20.0.5): 22.2.3
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20.04): Debian 9
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): Apache 2.4.25
PHP version (eg, 7.4): PHP-FPM 7.4

The issue you are facing:
I see an ‘integrity failure’ notice in my Nextcloud settings - there’s about 100 EXTRA_FILES notices and a single INVALID_HASH notice for my .htaccess file. This is probably caused by not running the occ command from within the nextcloud directory.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): N
I have seen the same error with previous versions as well, but I did not check if the same files are singled out.


  1. Is there an occ command (or other) I can use to automatically delete these files? Doing this manually seems quite tedious, and I’m willing to take the chance that this operation will not nuke my installation.
  2. What is the purpose of adding the “raw output” of a php print_r() command to the list of files that did not pass the integrity check? Trying to use that output as input for a (php) routine to automate the deletion is non-trivial… If that raw output would have been shown as a json array, then I would have understood the hidden message (“we do not want to take responsibility for automating the destruction of your installation, but if you are willing to take that responsibility, here you go”)…
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Nevermind - I found a function on to “reverse” the output of a print_r() into an array and added a few loops and checks to automate the removal of ± 500 EXTRA_FILES on my server.

Here it is, in case it is useful to someone else:

$array = "";

function print_r_reverse($input) {
        $lines = preg_split('#\r?\n#', trim($input));
        if (trim($lines[ 0 ]) != 'Array' && trim($lines[ 0 ] != 'stdClass Object')) {
            // bottomed out to something that isn't an array or object
            if ($input === '') {
                return null;

            return $input;
        } else {
            // this is an array or object, lets parse it
            $match = array();
            if (preg_match("/(\s{5,})\(/", $lines[ 1 ], $match)) {
                // this is a tested array/recursive call to this function
                // take a set of spaces off the beginning
                $spaces = $match[ 1 ];
                $spaces_length = strlen($spaces);
                $lines_total = count($lines);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $lines_total; $i++) {
                    if (substr($lines[ $i ], 0, $spaces_length) == $spaces) {
                        $lines[ $i ] = substr($lines[ $i ], $spaces_length);
            $is_object = trim($lines[ 0 ]) == 'stdClass Object';
            array_shift($lines); // Array
            array_shift($lines); // (
            array_pop($lines); // )
            $input = implode("\n", $lines);
            $matches = array();
            // make sure we only match stuff with 4 preceding spaces (stuff for this array and not a nested one)
            preg_match_all("/^\s{4}\[(.+?)\] \=\> /m", $input, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
            $pos = array();
            $previous_key = '';
            $in_length = strlen($input);
            // store the following in $pos:
            // array with key = key of the parsed array's item
            // value = array(start position in $in, $end position in $in)
            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                $key = $match[ 1 ][ 0 ];
                $start = $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] + strlen($match[ 0 ][ 0 ]);
                $pos[ $key ] = array($start, $in_length);
                if ($previous_key != '') {
                    $pos[ $previous_key ][ 1 ] = $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] - 1;
                $previous_key = $key;
            $ret = array();
            foreach ($pos as $key => $where) {
                // recursively see if the parsed out value is an array too
                $ret[ $key ] = print_r_reverse(substr($input, $where[ 0 ], $where[ 1 ] - $where[ 0 ]));

            return $is_object ? (object)$ret : $ret;

$arr = print_r_reverse($array);

foreach( $arr as $k => $v)
  foreach( $v as $key => $val )
    if( $key !== 'EXTRA_FILE' ) continue;
    foreach( $val as $path => $hash )
      $prefix = ($k != 'core') ? '/var/www/nextcloud/apps/'.$k : '/var/www/nextcloud';
      $file = $prefix . '/' . $path;
      if( file_exists($file) ) $list[] = $file;

if( count($list) == 0 ) { echo "Nothing to do.\r\n"; die(); }

foreach( $list as $file )
  if( unlink($file) )
    echo "File deleted: $file.\r\n";
    echo "Failed to delete: $file.\r\n";


Put this script in a file, make it executable, copy the Raw output into the $array variable and then run the script with PHP (as a user that has permissions to delete files in your nextcloud directory…)

Use at your own risk. It worked for me (although I had to re-scan and use it multiple times before I finally saw the green notice “all checks passed”)


Thank you very much, I found extremely annoying all EXTA_FILES we get after each update, and especially after major update. But do you have an intelligent way of getting the Array of Raw outpui ? (I mean, aside from copying and pasting from the page index.php/settings/integrity/failed)

This isn’t normal. How are you updating?

I upgrade first by using the distro (archlinux)'s package manager then by clicking update button on the cloud’s home page.

I made a clean installation of Nextcloud 25(for testing purpose) , which I updated to Nextcloud 26 without getting EXTRA_FILES. but when I upgradedthe production installation of Nextcloud 25.0.4 to 26.0.2, I got a huge list of EXTRA_FILES

If you’re using a package manager to deploy Nextcloud it would be highly unusual to also use the NC built-in updater. Generally they aren’t designed to work together.

The package manager only replaces files. Then I need NC updater to fix databases among other things. (Otherwise I can’t even log in)

Just in case anyone is curious, I have more than 100 extra files just in text/js/highlight …

For me the problem has never again surfaced after performing a clean install directly from the Nextcloud-*.tar.gz. I now also always update with the CLI updater.phar using a small script that also updates all apps and runs the database migrations.

Before that I used a script to download the newest tar.gz file, extract it, copy the config file into the new location and run the OCC update. That procedure always resulted in these EXTRA_FILES. So you may want to review how you update your nexcloud install.

array=$(occ integrity:check-core)


As an alternative of @zenlord php script, I just wrote this basic bash script to remove all useless orphan files for the new nextcloud installed version:


APPLIST=$(ls ${ROOTDIR}/apps)

read -p 'Do you want to confirm before removing a file (-i) option of an interactive rm command ?[yes/no]' interactive
if [[ "${interactive}" == "yes" ]]; then
  rmflag=" -i "

echo -e "\n######################## Checking old orphan files for Nextcloud core ###########################\n"
checkcore=$(sudo -u ${WWWUSER} php ${ROOTDIR}/occ integrity:check-core)
if [ -n "${checkcore}" ]; then
  echo -e ${checkcore}|sed -e "s/ - /\n/g" |grep --color expected -B1
  read -p "Do you want do remove these files ?[yes/no]" answer
  if [[ "${answer}" == "yes" ]]; then
    file_list=$(sudo -u ${WWWUSER} php ${ROOTDIR}/occ integrity:check-core |sed -e "s/- EXTRA_FILE://"  |gawk -F "[ :]" 'RS="\n      -", ORS=" " {print;}' |tr -s '[:space:]'  |gawk -F"[ :]" '{if ($7 == "current") {print $3;}}')
    for file in $(echo ${file_list}); do
      rm ${rmflag} ${ROOTDIR}/${file}

echo -e "\n######################## Checking old orphan files for Nextcloud apps ###########################\n"
for app in ${APPLIST}; do
  cd ${ROOTDIR}/apps/${app}
  checkapp=$(sudo -u ${WWWUSER} php ${ROOTDIR}/occ integrity:check-app ${app})
  if [ -n "${checkapp}" ]; then
    echo -e ${checkapp}|sed -e "s/ - /\n/g" |grep --color expected -B1
    read -p "Do you want do remove these files ?[yes/no]" answer
    if [[ "${answer}" == "yes" ]]; then
      file_list=$(sudo -u ${WWWUSER} php ${ROOTDIR}/occ integrity:check-app ${app} |sed -e "s/- EXTRA_FILE://"  |gawk -F "[ :]" 'RS="\n      -", ORS=" " {print;}' |tr -s '[:space:]'  |gawk -F"[ :]" '{if ($7 == "current") {print $3;}}')
      for file in $(echo ${file_list}); do
        rm ${rmflag} ${ROOTDIR}/apps/${app}/${file}

To run as root or a sudoer.