Manual update from Nextcloud 26.x to Nextcloud 29?


I have the following situation. My OS got updated to Fedora 40 that includes PHP 8.3. I cannot change the OS. My Nextcloud install is on Nextcloud 26.0.12. I tried to manually upgrade to Nextcloud 27 as described here:

When I come to the last step to launch the upgrade via occ, I get the error that PHP 8.3 is not supported (as expected). I also tried the updater via command-line that gives the same error.

What can I do to upgrade to a Nextcloud version that supports PHP 8.3?


Maybe copy it to a test systen, upgrade 27, 28, 29 and the copy it back.

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You mostly have two choices:

  • install parallel or at least an older PHP version temporarily (just about all distros have a method for doing this: I think Fedora can use remirepo: Remi's RPM repository - Fedora 40
  • disable the version check in occ upgrade (sometimes works, but obviously won’t know for certain what problems it may cause down the road)
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Thanks! I got it to work the following way:

Downgraded the PHP version via Remi’s RPM repository.
Add the repository

dnf module reset php
dnf module install php:remi-8.2

Followed Nextcloud guideline for manual upgrades: Upgrade manually — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

Ran the command line based updater several times until I was at latest Nextcloud version, as described here: Upgrade via built-in updater — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

Removed Remi PHP again and uninstalled all php packages
dnf module reset php
dnf remove ‘php-*’

Installed latest official PHP packages from the Fedora 40 distribution agian
dnf install php php-gd php-json php-mbstring php-curl php-zip php-xml php-pecl-apcu php-intl php-mysqlnd php-redis php-posix php-process


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