Managed hosting with full text search


Iā€™m considering moving our housing co-ops documents to a managed nextcloud. Full text search would be a must feature but I havenā€™t found any nextcloud providers advertising this. Do you know of any providers that have that? Preferrably the nextcloud service should be managed (meaning: I donā€™t neet to take care of nextcloud updates).


On hosting providers, we donā€™t really have a lot of information. Usually users end up here, if the support of one of them cannot help them, or if they really have troubles with their provider. Normal, happy customers do not have a lot of reasons to come here.

Iā€™d directly ask some of your favored providers directly about the full text feature. Then perhaps check their customer forum, or other places about the experiences and problems with the provider in general.
Some provide a free account (check on the Nextcloud website), this might give you a bit of insight, what apps and functions they are using.

Thanks for the insight. I already checked a few but I guess I just have to keep looking then.