Managed hosting with custom apps enabled

It seems that most if not all existing providers of enterprise-grade managed Nextcloud hosting have 1 standard server image which is just a clean install of Nextcloud without any custom apps, or with maybe a predefined set of apps enabled.

A client of ours is looking to use a managed instance of Nextcloud, but with the “Solid” app enabled. Are there any enterprise-grade hosting providers who would agree to enabling this app without breaking the warranty?

For this purpose, we are in the process of hardening the Solid app, and we will get an independent security review. Still, so far, all hosting providers we talked to are only willing to enable the default apps, they say enabling custom ones would make the system too complex for them to still provide their usual SLA guarantees.

Contact us! We offer Fully-Managed Nextcloud, which can be set up individually.

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Normally the Nextcloud admin of the Managed Nextcloud can install an app like Solid from the appstore (Settings → Apps). But i don’t know if this particular app has any dependencies. Of course, there are also Managed Nextclouds where you cannot install your own apps or can only use a smaller selection.

Thank devnull, indeed, I contacted all providers listed on and a few of them said no but already 10 of them said yes this is possible.

Also thanks JabaHosting, for your positive answer, and in general for being here on the forums to help people. I’ll follow up via email!