Mailbox UID validity changed. Wiping cache and performing full sync for 106

I’ve just installed nextcloud on FreeBSD, from packages, and it is almost working, but the log /var/log/nextcloud/nextcloud.log is full of the following messages:

{“reqId”:“D1fkkojoFrF5Ka2ngSxO”,“level”:2,“time”:“2024-08-24T12:47:47+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“thierry”,“app”:“mail”,“method”:“POST”,“url”:“/nextcloud/index.php/apps/mail/api/mailboxes/106/sync”,“message”:“Mailbox UID validity changed. Wiping cache and performing full sync for 106”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0”,“version”:“”,“data”:{“app”:“mail”}}

It seems that this error should have been addressed in previous versions: is it a new case, or is something wrong with my installation?


  • FreeBSD 14.1-STABLE
  • apache24-2.4.62
  • php82-8.2.22 with php-fpm enabled and php82-imap-8.2.22 linked with panda-cclient
  • nextcloud-php82-29.0.5 and nextcloud-mail-php82-3.7.7
  • panda-imap-20130621_4

Thanks for your advice!