[MacOS] Problem with client desktop progress bar

Hello, I have a problem with the progress bar on nextcloud desktop clients. It remains stuck in the upper left.
it’s been several version of client that I have this problem.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
thank you in advance

client version : 2.6.3
OS : MacOS 10.15.3

Update: I just realized that the problem is only present on the non “legacy” version for mac (on the github of the nextcloud client there are 2 versions for macOS. Legacy and not Legacy).

Are you working with group folders?

They are not part of your personal quota.

Yes I share some of my files with other people and other people also share files with me. But I don’t really understand the relation with my progress bar problem which is not its normal place on the client.

My guess was about this:

If you don’t use it you ignore my hint.

That didn’t solve my problem but thanks anyway.

Update: I just realized that the problem is only present on the non “legacy” version for mac (on the github of the nextcloud client there are 2 versions for macOS. Legacy and not Legacy).