Mac client sync extremly slow & files upload via browser dies


I’m on macOS 10.13.4 with the latest client installed.
If I download 15 Gigs via Webbrowser, it goes with something like 450 to 500 Mbit.
If I try to upload the same file to a different folder (or even a smaler file), the upload
with chrome, firefox… dies.

The nextcloud client is extremly slow, looking for changes (540.76 GB (62121 files)) needs more than an hour.
Uploading from the local sync directory needs several hours (upload speed some kilobytes).

I had an owncloud up and running till yesterday. Everything worked fine (and fast)! Just moved the owncloud to a different folder name, nextcloud in the old foldername, and started over (new MySQL database and tables), Redis, apache, php7.1… - everythings well.

I made an " sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:repair" and “sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all”. Everythings well. No problems, even not within the logfiles.

Now I’m out of ideas. Is there anything elso what I can check? (The network is fine…)

There was a question about the status of the desktop client which was no top-priority in the past:

I’m mostly using the owncloud client, especially on mac (there have been issues with encrypted connections).

Regarding your problem, if you had it working on the owncloud client, you should report the problem to the bug tracker that they can fix this: