Logins with different login names of the same LDAP record result in different Nextcloud users

Is this related to the following problem ?

User uid is johndoe
user 2ndary uid is jdoe

johndoe logsin in account is created with ldap UID number 234"$YFF32424ace343 sthg like that
when johndoe uses his alternate did ( short name ) jdoe its the SAME account, but
a new one gets created with …jdoe and not the 32423acdewer2 numbers…

No, this is unrelated.

Apparently, the login with johndie and jdoe end up in two different LDAP records (there are some other aspects, but essentially this is it).

Ok thank you,

is there any way to avoid this ? users get a bit confused when they see a fresh account and all their files are “gone”…
the shortname is just another uid …after the main uid in the directory.

I don’t know how your LDAP is structured. This is either a config issue, or you indeed have mutlitple LDAP records per each actual user (I’d be surprised)? Also it seems to me that the Internal Username Attribute (Expert settings) was changed in production, but maybe also the User UUID Attribute (Expert settings) while the/some DNs have changed on LDAP side. This would be something for the support category, however.

Hmm nope it should be simple

the record name UID is mappped to the generated uid thats how the user accounts show up on the harddrive
only when you use the 2ndary record name in this case jdoe instead of johndoe …this translation gets lost and a new account will be created instead of logging in to the existing accont that was created prior with johndoe…

So i see 2 accounts : FD9EEFBFD-…
and: jdoe

on the user directory.

but i can see that my problem is not a in the right area…sorry :slight_smile:

FYI, I split this off the Howto and moved it to a new topic in support category.

Additionally, of interest is the contents of the user mappings table (oc_ldap_user_mapping) and the LDAP config itself (get from from command line via sudo -u $WEBUSER occ ldap:show-config. The web server user is typically www-data, wwwrun, http, … depending on your distro.