Login to Nextcloud with Wordpress credentials

I use CiviCRM to manage the member base of a small association. CiviCRM is integrated to Wordpress so that new users create a Wordpress account.

What I want to do next is the following. I want that the users of Wordpress can login with Nextcloud with the same credentials and that user info (such as names and mailaddresses, but also groups) is synchronised.

Any ideas on how to set up something like that?

I’m out to try this exact setup. I think you can use the SQL users and groups app to link your nextcloud users to CiviCRM users, although I suspect you might need to add the WordPress Groups plugin to get groups through from CiviCRM to Nextcloud

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Nice! I am very interested in your experiences. Do you mean this plugin? https://nl.wordpress.org/plugins/groups/

All the best,

Likely yes, I haven’t tried it yet, still working on getting my org up to speed with CiviCRM, as it is a new rollout for us

Did you figure out a way to do it? I’m having the same issue right now. I was thinking to use Nextcloud OAuth feature but it is for registered users in Nextcloud to log in WordPress. I’d like the invese, WordPress users able to log in automatically in Nextcloud. Any ideias after this topic?

It is possible. On Nextcloud side you need to install the app “Social Login”. There you can configure your custom OAuth client.

In WordPress you can install one of these Plugins:

Attention: There are problems with WordPress subdirectory installations I’m still looking to how to fix.