Thank you for your hint, but it’s the same problem with ‘logfile’ variable and without it. I put it in the config.php to test if it the reason for that.
I think the permissions for www-data are given, but i’m not shure. I will check this at next tuesday (sorry thats the next possibility) and post the result here. Nextcloud has created the first nextcloud.log file by itselfs. The directory /daten is also the data-directory and creating from files and directories by nextcloud works fine.
The permissions to the /daten directory are:
drwxrwx— 48 www-data www-data 4096 Mär 22 08:41 daten
I think that should be enough to rotate the logfile?
Now i have configured the logrotate from the operating system. This works fine.
Because the rotate feature inside nextcloud, i don’t know what the problem.
Yeah logrotate should not be necessary here, but if you anyway have it to rotate the other logs within /var/log, then it is an adequate solution, at least giving some consistency about how the rotation works.
Did you consider opening an issue on github about it?
I guess the devs have a deeper insight in what might going wrong on your system/with Nextcloud internal rotation.