Locale issue prevents login

This solution worked for me. But it still is a bug.
I am using NC 27.1, installed yesterday.
This solved also my android app problem of complaining the server was in maintenance mode.

Thx for the help.

Hi Everyone,

Today I migrated my NC 27.1.7 instance from CentOS7 to Fedora39. After about 90 minutes of fruitless efforts I found this post. The mod_perl package is not installed on my CentOS7 box so the issue didn’t present there, but it was present on Fedora39 either from the cloud image or by package dependency.

Anyway disabling the module and restarting the Apache service resolved the issue for me.

tail -1 /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/02-perl.conf
#LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

Thank you.