Live Video Backup to NC Server (Realtime video recorder)

App/Part of something to do:

Record realtime video from my phone to server. (something like talk but for single participant)

Recording on my Phone in case of network loss and at same time(realtime) while recording send lossless file to NC Server…

(in case of network loss) When phone reconects to server(internet) send missing parts of video again to server.

Idea is to record and have place for safe store video if phone gets lost, stolen, broken… This will be useful for eg: jurnalists…

As i know, .MXF (growing) files are made for that…

And if this idea looks good, maybe some realtime player with time slider on web front end on NC server can be helpfull…

Since this is a very specific idea i understand that maybe no one want to give time for developing it.
