List of shortcuts

with strg+L it is possible to use the list style.
Are there more shortcuts?

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Hi @jakob1

the Notes app is currently based on easy-mde (“Easy Markdown Editor”). Therefore you can use all shortcuts which are listed here: GitHub - Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor: EasyMDE: A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking.

Shortcut (Windows / Linux) Shortcut (macOS) Action
Ctrl-’ Cmd-’ “toggleBlockquote”
Ctrl-B Cmd-B “toggleBold”
Ctrl-E Cmd-E “cleanBlock”
Ctrl-H Cmd-H “toggleHeadingSmaller”
Ctrl-I Cmd-I “toggleItalic”
Ctrl-K Cmd-K “drawLink”
Ctrl-L Cmd-L “toggleUnorderedList”
Ctrl-P Cmd-P “togglePreview”
Ctrl-Alt-C Cmd-Alt-C “toggleCodeBlock”
Ctrl-Alt-I Cmd-Alt-I “drawImage”
Ctrl-Alt-L Cmd-Alt-L “toggleOrderedList”
Shift-Ctrl-H Shift-Cmd-H “toggleHeadingBigger”
F9 F9 “toggleSideBySide”
F11 F11 “toggleFullScreen”

:warning: Be aware though, that those are not an official supported feature of the Notes app. They might change or get lost at any point in the future or not even work properly (like F9). The Notes app plans to switch to Nextcloud Text in the future. Nextcloud Text is based on prosemirror and supports also keyboard shortcuts. A quick check proved, that for example Ctrl + B also works to make text bold. Though they are not necessarily equal (or even supported in the future).