LibreOffice Online... please!

the Documents app is under the AGPL and that’s what the ownCloud integration app from COOL and CODE are based on, pretty sure it’s not MPL.

The rest of CODE and COOL might be MPL yeah.

And yes, it would be cool if somebody built COOL. Their communication is opaque because this is aimed at business/enterprise and not home users–they don’t spend time on that. Actually, if people make easy to use COOL packages for free they will have a harder time selling their product :wink:

Yeah, but that’s just a shell :slight_smile:

Let’s hope their business strategy is not based on selling license then :slight_smile:

no, they only do open source, their business is based on selling support and helping with installation/scaling of installations. That is why they don’t put too much effort in making it easy to install, that is what they sell :wink:

Another approach would be to use Etherpad and Ethercalc. There is already a plugin for Owncloud called Ownpad.

Yes. I use it on my server. Atm seems the most reliable solution. DocumentsApp tends to crap out when loosing connection to the server turning the documents to be unreadable any more, and collabora is just slow atm and does not let two ppl edit document at the same time (at least not when I checked last time).
The only problem is of course the fact that those pads are public. The randomized pad names solve the problem (at least makes it harder to find pads), but I cannot guarantee they are safe. I still havent found a solution to basically put a lock (password) on the pads you would prefer to have private. I hope someone figures something out soon. Of course there are things like titanpad and mypad plugin but as I use LDAP I wouldnt want to have yet another set of credentials. I would just prefer simple password lock like when sharing file via NC/OC.

Etherpad and Ethercalc are entirely different tools, neither has support for real documents (with images and tables and such stuff). And the gap between bold and italics vs full ODF support is so massive there’s no way these tools will ever support that.

As I said - we’ll keep ownCloud Documents for a simple, easy to install and quite capable tool for editing odt files and we’ll work with Collabora/LibreOffice to have a harder to install, more powerful solution in place.

Not that Etherpad or Ethercalc aren’t cool, they are - but I just don’t see much benefit for integration there.

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I’m looking forward to integration as well. Currently, I’m using LibreOffice on Ubuntu then uploading. Will keep an on on future updates. :slight_smile:

I just caught a glimpse of the demo of this with owncloud and exploded a little with excitement. Look forward to seeing this integrated!

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Now there is a Collabora Online Connector available:

Well, alfred - try to install and use it and inform us about your experiences…:wink:

On this its entirely possible using a desktop app for Libreoffice will distribute compute more optimally with nextcloud just handling storage and revisions

I has just performed an integration with LibreOffice Online. It is quite easy. You can now edit any document online. You can see the demo website here


Is there a way to use the Documents app? Coyping from onwCloud backup seems not to work.

I am very thankful that “people” worked on making something such as Collabora Online Connector. But what I don’t get is, why do I have to install it on a second host and in docker? I run Nextcloud on a Raspberry pi 2, so the current conditions seem quite an overkill to me. Is there really no way to simply install libreoffice on the Pi, install the app and voila! ?

Please help me fight off my ignorance on these issues!

@bavay security reasons and I think the connector is not written in PHP

The old “undead zombie” documents app is also an option if it will be made compatible with Nextcloud 12:

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