Let's encrypt certificate not active after creation in NCP web UI

I did install NextcloudPi v1.55.3 via curl installation on a fresh raspberry pi OS lite (64 bit) installation.
I did create a letsencrypt certifacte for my new NCP via the NCP web UI. The certificate was created and can be fond in folder /etc/letsencrypt/live/… but unfortunately the certifacte did not become active and my browser still indicates the the web site of my NCP is unsafe.

So I tried to find out the issue and finally I found that in the folder
all conf files contain still the certificate “ssl-cert-snakeoil”.
I did compare the conf files with the ones from my previous installation and found that there the files “ncp.conf” and “001-nextcloud.conf” instead contain the letsencrypt certificate from the folder /etc/letsencrypt/live/…
As the file “001-nextcloud.conf” contains the warning
I did first change the file “ncp.conf” to contain my letsencrypt certifcate but this did not change the behaviour of my installation.
After that I did change the file “001-nextcoud.conf” too and from that on my letsencrypt certifactes are in use.
A renewal of the letsencrypt certificate overwrites the files “ncp.conf” and “001-nextcloud.conf” and the are then back on the old state (contain again the certificate "ssl-cert-snakeoil).
As I have no knowledge about the process from creating a letsencrypt certificate to the generation of the 2 files “ncp.conf” and “001-nextcloud.conf” I have no idea at which point the process did not work and were I could correct it.

The Basics

  • NextcloudPi version: 1.55.3
  • Nextcloud Server version:
  • Operating system and version: Debian 6.6.51
  • Web server and version: Apache2
  • PHP version: 8.3
  • Installation method: NCP via curl installation

After some time of hesitation I did try a complete new setup means, I did create a new SD card with Raspberry Pi OS lite and an installation of NCP via the script install.sh.
After that I could setup the NCP instance with letsencrypt and everything is as expected.

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