Nextcloud AIO v7.11.2
Ubuntu 22.04
The issue you are facing:
Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Y
I designed my Nextcloud install with the following in mind:
Use virtualbox on linux mint
After running perfectly, copy the nextcloud folder to a secondary drive incase of failure.
Make daily borg backups from the AIO interface
Well, the unthinkable happened. Today my Nextcloud server crashed and when restarting got a failure in the boot partiton.
I copied over my backup nextcloud VB folder and ran it. It starts as planned.
I had planned to go to the AIO interface and restore the most recent successful backup which was last night 4/25/24.
What I don’t understand is the latst backup showing on the list is dated
2024-02-13 - which was the latest backup before I refreshed my copy of the vm.
If I go to the borg mount point /mnt/borg/borg, I can see all the files of the backup with the dates of April 2024.
I thought rebooting NC would refresh the list, NO
I thought there might be a way to get NC to refresh the list, nothing found in my google searches.
How can I get NC to show the most recent backups?
Please help ASAP, wife needs some files restored.
Thank you
I looked through that link and didn’t see anything specifcally about refreshing the list, just to get a borg list. However it said once I enter the passphrase I should see something like “20220223_174237-nextcloud-aio” however all I got was a list of files with numbers as names as thats only from the cli
The list I want to refresh is this:
AIO Borg Restore
Any idea how I can do that?
ok I tried borg list again and got the proper date format. My last backup shows yesterday’s date:
20240426_030140-nextcloud-aio Thu, 2024-04-25 20:01:41 [d1c1379c51c58a19f48080f1afea2d52067e7237a4f603e21b6d53755cc70c2c]
How can I restore that? or refrsh the AIO list to show that?
I did a keyword search for Restore on that link but found no instructions
OK I figured it out.
The backup of NC notified me that a container update was available. I didn’t update because I thought the restore would take care of that.
Then I thought maybe the older containers can’t see newer backups so I updated the containers and the backup list is now up to date.
OK so I dont have it.
I did get the backups and started a restore, but then NC shutdown because I forgot to stop a cronjob for autmatic shutdowns then it wouldnt start up again.
I copied over the backup VM again, updated the mastercontainer but this time the backup list did not update so I’m back at square 1. Guess I just got lucky last time.
Backup Integrity worked and restore successful.
Thank you very much
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