Latest 29.0.5 missing from

Latest 29.0.5 is missing from , which most users will look at, but it can be seen on the Maintenance and Release Schedule here , which most users will not look at.

Not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this Release Communications Issue or not. If not, where should this be brought up?

From Nextcloud changelog nicht aktuell? - #7 by Andy (in German): 29.0.5 was pulled because of an issue on new, small installations. Therefore an out of band 29.0.6 is scheduled.

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Fixed the wiki page for now via Maintenance and Release Schedule Ā· nextcloud/server Wiki Ā· GitHub

Will update when out of band 29.0.6 has been published.

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Hi all, you can find latest versions on this page too :

Hi Andy,
iā€™ve testet 29.0.6 in front of the official release and a lot of folders in the file section where no longer visible (on both instances i have). on the fil leve (SSH access) all the files are existing on the host).

Hope this will be fixed in the official release


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Hi @all,

i also installed 29.0.6 already (released) over 29.0.5. I had no problem with an installation of both but: Since 29.0.5 and ongoing in 29.0.6 i can not sync with desktop and mobile client. I can ā€œseeā€ the files in the mobile client and also in the browser.

the desktop client brings error 500 ā€œNo such file or directoryā€ but on server level every file is where it belongs.

all the best


Same Situation here. It began with 29.0.5 and with the now installed 29.0.5 version Clients (Desktop and Android) are not able to download (sync) or upload files. In Browser everything is now visible, it was not not in 29.0.5.

i always get

Fehler webdav
Exception No such file or directory

Can any of you experience this please open an issue at GitHub - nextcloud/server: ā˜ļø Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data with the corresponding logs attached?

Hi all,

29.0.6 has already been released and we did not face this issue ourselves. So like mentioned please raise these issues on Github, in both cases as already posted - to the server repository / issue tracker at GitHub - nextcloud/server: ā˜ļø Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data


Hi Andy,
any idea, how to update from 29.0.5 to 29.0.6 with the following error message ?

Check for expected files
The following extra files have been found:

The instance is in productive mode :wink:

thx forward

I am personally not an expert in upgrade routines but would say, move that specific file outside of you nextcloud instance and retry.

Did you by any chance manually apply the patch of [stable29] fix(setupcheck): Fix mimetype server version check in backport by nickvergessen Ā· Pull Request #47378 Ā· nextcloud/server Ā· GitHub

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As @Andy already said, this looks like the patch file for Pull Request #47378 which you probably downloaded to your Nextcloud folder and then left it there after applying the patch. If so, just delete it and start the update again.

i got it updated (delete patch file in the nextcloud root and restart the update). :smiley: But the issue that i see only Letter A to G is existing again. Letter H to Z is not visible but storged in the same folderā€¦ Where iā€™m struggeleingā€¦

  • Smal icons ā†’ Missing folders
  • large icons ā†’ the missing folders are visible and accessible

Any idea ?

thx forward

I do not understand the struggles could you elaborate a bit more what you mean by Seeing only letter A-G no H-Z? Also the small icon / large icon comments I do not understand.
So any details you can provide would be very helpful.

Hi Andy,
i got the issue today - but no idea what is is :slightly_smiling_face: but no idea how to fix :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • Login andswitch to the file/folder section
  • if you view the folder section with 100% resolution in the browser ā†’ only A to G is visible - H to Z no shown

Now the issue on my systems:

  • if you use to reduce the resolutioon by useing STRG + mouse wheel the amount of folders changes. In the smallest resolution i see all 63 Folders as shown trough SSH
  • If I increase the resolution again with CTRL+mouse wheel, the view of the folders is reduced to the letters mentioned.

This ā€œfeatureā€ is on two instances since the update to 29.0.6

Does this help you with the discovered ā€œfeatureā€ today?

Different devices ā†’ Same issue :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Disable files_readmemd is probably the solution :wink:
Otherwise I would advice to open a dedicated issue for that

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Sorry, but I still donā€™t get what exatctley the issue is.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s normal. The number of items you can see at once depends on your screen resolution/scaling and of course the zoom factor you have set in your browser. I mean, if I had 20 folders in my Files app, all starting with A, only A to A would be visible on my screen with the zoom set to 100%.

I assume itā€™s this: [Bug]: Hidden folders and files until zoom out Ā· Issue #46470 Ā· nextcloud/server Ā· GitHub

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Ah, I havenā€™t heard of that one, nor can I reproduce it, but yes, in this context of course it all makes sense :slight_smile: