Label "add to your Nextcloud HanssonIT VM" is confusing people

Hello, we are using a Nextcloud VM, users who receive sharing links see (image attached) that the message displayed in the download console is “add to your Nextcloud HanssonIT VM” instead of “add to your Nextcloud”

Users who have public “Nextcloud” accounts believe that this feature is only valid for those who are on “HanssonIT VM” instances!

Is this limitation real? how to personalize this message please?

best regards


I think you find it in

Example normal Nextcloud:
"Add to your Nextcloud" : "Add to your Nextcloud",

In other languages there is additional:
"Add to your %s" : "HinzufĂĽgen zu Deiner %s",

Maybe Nextcloud HanssonIT VM is a text or a variable %s.

Is it not possible to surf through the source code? I do not want to download a tarball of the code.

Have a look at the theming settings under /settings/admin/theming

The part in the installation script is at vm/ at 961c3862dfffbf3dfc001b73bda90414e09123fb · nextcloud/vm · GitHub (also the corresponding occ command)

Thank you.

Perhaps the wrong configuration entry has been made here. But still the text is nonsense when sharing. Correct is a text without the name of the VM-Nextcloud. Correct is “Add to your Nextcloud” because it is a different Nextcloud. Can you create an issue?

Not so sure tbh, when you look at server/apps/files_sharing/lib/Controller/ShareController.php at b2017cd5574fa2a4b4812ad5fa5c89dd9cd4dc7a · nextcloud/server · GitHub it is intended that way.

I guess the other string comes from the test at server/apps/files_sharing/tests/Controller/ShareControllerTest.php at b2017cd5574fa2a4b4812ad5fa5c89dd9cd4dc7a · nextcloud/server · GitHub for example. But I haven’t spent too much time looking into this.

Thanks @devnull @SysKeeper !

I changed the productName setting with the command
occ config:app:set theming productName --value Nextcloud

The display is now good … but I guess this setting will be wrong again in the next NextcloudVM update

Yes. This solves your problem.

But the real error is that in the dialog the mentioned (external) nextcloud is not the nextcloud you specify in the variable productName. It is any Nextcloud (“Add to your Nextcloud”). Maybe someone can create an issue for the VM. The used variable is wrong.

No, the setting is correct. I think this needs a discussion from the Design perspective.

Cc @jan

No. It is totally wrong. Setting variable or programming.

Example with other values:
source Nextcloud:
destination Nextcloud:

Add to your Nextcloud makes also no sense
Correct is only Add to your Nextcloud

image source / documentation:

Sure, because that’s the default product name. Still you’re free to change to product name from Nextcloud to anything different. In case of the VM “Nextcloud” is still part of the product name, that’s why it’s “Add to your Nextcloud HanssonIT VM”.

I agree with @szaimen that the productname at this specific label might (not) make sense, but I wouldn’t say it’s totally wrong either. When looking at bigger deployments with branding there shouldn’t be the name “Nextcloud” anywhere I guess.

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I don’t think you want to understand my problem. The product name of the Source-Nextcloud is used here for the Destination-Nextcloud. And that is complete nonsense.


This is exactly the point indeed. What is shown here is simply what is pulled from the theming of the Nextcloud which people are looking at, so it might say anything, like “Jan’s cloud”, so it would say “Add to your Jan’s cloud”, which actually makes 0 sense indeed.
On the other hand, as you said, for a branded cloud, you probably don’t want it to say “Nextcloud” anywhere. Then again, the feature should possibly be disabled completely then as a label saying “Add to your [company name which you don’t work at]” does not make sense either.

So I’d say it indeed makes sense to call the label “Add to your Nextcloud” here, and offer a way to disable the entry. What do you think @szaimen @Andy?

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I would simply rename the entry to indeed use Nextcloud here always.

As for disabling: I think there is already a way to disable this feature when federated sharing is disable on the server…

Created a PR: fix `Add to your Nextcloud` by szaimen · Pull Request #33227 · nextcloud/server · GitHub

I agree :+1:

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