Just installed nextlcoud and I have a directory question

Hello group!

Nextcloud version : 13.0.06
Operating system and version : 18.04

I just installed nextcloud on my Ubuntu server and it looks great. I used the snap install and I can login easily and everything runs smooth.

Now I share a directory using samba on the local network /media/data - So my goal is to access that directory with nextcloud but I can’t figure out how to do so. Anyone here knows a guide to help me out?


Nextcloud supports external storages, enable it in: Apps->Disabled Apps->External storage support. Re-login into your nextcloud admin account and you will have a tab: “External storages”

I just did that - but it doesn’t show any directory in the external storage tab. Do I need to configure it?

Yes, you must select the type of connection STB / CIFS and configure the parameters for the connection. I am using Nextcloud 14.0.1 version, but 13.0.06 have the same interface.

I just added the external storage using loval and using : /media/data but it doesn’t show the directories/files within data.

Did you locally connect folder using SMB protocol and then add it to nextcloud as local storage? I did the same, only using the NFS and everything worked correctly. Try the following in the console: /bin/su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c “php /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all --quiet”